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Experience the Benefits of WBO Membership
Are you looking for opportunities to connect with and learn from experienced, helpful business people? Do you miss the networking, educational programs, and social events you used to enjoy? Do you have an established business, but still want to learn new skills, expand your network, and give back through service projects? If you’ve been looking for your community—look no further.
Network: Connect with professionals at regular meetups and events to expand your community of women in business. Share information about your company or non-profit with your WBO peers and experience the power of referrals when your fellow women business owners champion your work. Meet other women in your field and benefit from their advice and encouragement.
Learn: Gain new knowledge and skills from other members through workshop events, virtual “power hours,” and Lunch and Learns. Lunch and Learns feature WBO members who present on a topic of their expertise while other members enjoy lunch, take notes, and ask questions. This is a valuable time to learn from speakers who bring practical, actionable approaches to business development.
Grow: Make strides in your business through Mastermind Groups: collaborative peer mentoring groups where participants share ideas and offer critique in a supportive, confidential environment. With a maximum of eight people per Mastermind Group, there is plenty of time for members to share, set goals, and provide progress reports at each meeting. These are spaces of mutual respect and unequivocal trust, where members can experience the power of a peer mentoring program, while providing accountability and advice as you develop your business.
If you are a current member, or interested in becoming a member and would like more information on Mastermind Groups, email us.
We are:
- A warm group of people who want to help each other.
- An independent organization. We make our own rules and change them when necessary.
- Small enough to cultivate personal, trusting relationships. Big enough to make an impact.
- Diverse. We are all kinds of people running all kinds of businesses.
We are not:
- Exclusive. If we already have a member in your business category, you are still welcome to join. We believe that there is enough pie to go around and you might find that competition can turn into collaboration.
- Women only. As long as you support women-owned businesses in Montgomery County, you are welcome.
- A new source of email addresses for the company newsletter. We canned the spam years ago. WBO thrives on personal relationships.
- A big commitment. We can’t wait to meet you but please take advantage of as much or as little of our programming that makes sense for you. No pressure.
Becoming A Member
- Members must be actively involved in the day-to-day management and operation of their existing business or non-profit organization.
- Members must reside in or provide business services to the residents of Montgomery County, Maryland, and demonstrate a commitment to helping our community thrive
- We encourage you to attend at least two events before applying to get a feel for what WBO is (and what it is not), get to know our members, and ensure that it is a fit for your goals. Sign up for an event today!
- If you are not sure whether or not you meet the above requirements, but feel you would benefit from joining, please feel free to reach out to our Membership Chair, Melissa Rollenhagen Cristal to express your interest.
- The Board of Directors will review each application for membership at their monthly meeting to ensure that your business is established and reflects the experience of our member community. We’ve found that members who have gained some experience in running their business tend to get the most value from our community and resources. Once approved, you will be invited to pay your annual fee and enjoy full member benefits.
Membership Fees
- Individual: $155 per year
- Sole practitioner
- Proprieter/Owner
- Business Partner
- Shareholder
- Member of an LLC
- Corporation: $450 per year
- Designate up to three (3) individuals from your company who will be entitled to attend all WBO events during the year.
- Nonprofit Organization: $100 per year
- Leaders of 501(c)3 designated organizations
- Academic leaders serving entrepreneurs also considered
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